Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What the heck?

I find that the level of inhumane treatment that the Dallits get in India just sickens me. To treat an animal better than that of a human is just insane. The treatment here is like as somebody here put it, "as long as you have somebody below you, you're ok". People here live out their life according to what caste you're in, do it well so that when you die, and you get reincarnated you can come back at a higher caste so that you can dish out the crap to somebody below you. People are so fearful to come back in a new life thats even less than the caste they are in now. Sounds insane huh? Its reminds me of a hazing thing in fraternaties.

That thing about "don't believe everything it says in print or in history books"?? Well its true for India. The west has such a distorted picture of India. If you were to ask which country has more human rights violations between India and China, I guess people would ordinarily pick China. However I would say they're the same. India's treatment of the lower caste here is almost satanic.

Picture this, about 70% of the population here is of the lowest caste. The rest are either the highest castes and foreigners. Now with 1.2 billion people here in India that makes it about 800 million people living in conditions that we as westerners would consider demeaning. Thats about 15% of the worlds population.

I guess if after this experience with my trip to India and Thailand is that there is so much to do about the injustices of people here in the world. Who's gonna do it? Don't know. Hopefully messages like ours will start to put an end to it.

Sorry for the rant, I guess i'm just pissed.


Jon said...

That sounds like what happens in certain corporate cultures...execpt on a national social level...which is so much worse.

pam said...

it's not almost satanic, it is very satanic!!!