Monday, November 26, 2007


I miss India.

It's great to be home. It really is. But I can't help but feel a bit of postpartum anxiety being separated from India. I miss the vibrant colors of the sarees and the great Indian food at the truthseekers office. I miss our new friends and I miss my teammates. Most of all though, I miss being part of His plan 24/7. I miss being inspired by the great men and women of India who work for His Kingdom with reckless abandon.

It was always our intention to bring the mission back home. Not to leave the mission-mindedness behind in India. But it's hard to come back to your life and not settle back into the old way of doing things. You begin to rely on yourself again. In India, being so dependent on God and on your teammates made things so real. So simple. I miss that.

50 hours of footage. Thousands of photos. I know that our mission begins now.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue our mission. That we don't settle back into the comfort of our lives, but remain focused on God and His Kingdom.


Jenny said...

What a great blog entry. I totally feel your postpartum. I was just telling someone that I miss all those things you mentioned. I guess that's what pictures are for.

pam said...

I remember the first time I came home after being in India for 6 weeks (1985...yikes!). I had those same feelings. God feels more needed over here somehow. I still struggle with that when I go to the States (even though I love going home!) It has been a privilege to raise my kids seeing God at work in miraculous ways on such a regular basis. BUT, you can live in CA and retain the vision and passion and spread the Word in the west. You can do reckless abandon anywhere. I am praying it for you! We are so excited! Wish I could pass you a Truthseekers lunch! :)